Write for us

General Guidelines

  • All of the content you submit must be your own, be unique, and in no way have been previously published in any manner anywhere else. 

  • Posts must be at least 500 words long and of very high quality.

  • The title of your article should be engaging or attention-grabbing, and it should be optimized for search engines.

  • The subject matter of the article should correspond to the overall theme of our website.

  • The information presented might be derived from study, facts, or even personal experience.

  • The material has to address the issue in depth for us to approve it since we do not accept anything incomplete.

  • We reserve the right to alter, amend, or reject portions of the material at our discretion if we feel that it does not meet the quality standards that we have set for ourselves.

  • The post must not contain any promotional content.

Technical Guidelines

  • Your content has to revolve around at least one target term that receives a significant amount of search volume on Google.

  • Your links are not allowed to contain any keywords or pages that are in direct competition with those found on Truenewsd.com.

  • The no-follow tag will be added to all of the links.

  • You are required to provide a source if you quote the work of another person.

  • We do not permit the submission of entries that contain links to irrelevant websites or blogs.

  • We do not permit the submission of posts that contain affiliate links.

Visualizations And Infographics

  • The draft is required to have a header image as well as a minimum of two photos or infographics.

  • In the same document, you should provide all of the picture sources along with the links to where the images may be found.

  • If references are used on social media platforms, please obtain formal permission from the administrators of such accounts saying that Truenewsd.com is permitted to mention them or utilize their Instagram posts as references in the blog.

Google Keyword Searches For More Guest Posting Opportunities

If you’re looking to contribute to other blogs as well, we recommend searching these keywords on Google:

”Write for us”

“Guest post contribution”

“Guest article”

“Become a contributor”

“Guest blogging”

“Submit an article”

“Write for us” “Technology”

“Write for us” “Healthtech”

“Write for us” “Artificial Intelligence”

“Write for us” “Blockchain”

“Write for us” “Software testing”

“Write for us” “Software development”

“Write for us” “Fintech”

“Write for us” “Tech News”

“Write for us” “Startups”

“Submit Guest post”

“Guest Writers Needed”

“Sponsored Post”

“Write for us paid”

“Write for us free”

“Write for us Guest post”

“Guest blogging”

“Guest post websites”

“Guest bloggers”

“Guest blogging sites”

“Guest blogging platform”

“Free Article submission”

“Article writing sites”

“Article publishing sites”

“Guest blogging opportunity”

“Sponsored Post website”

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